DCC Web Application

DCC Web Application is a java based web application designed to control locos and accessories using a web interface.  The application also opens up rest interfaces for block detection can call external interfaces to set relays.

Macros can be setup to run sequences of dcc commands, these macros can be set to be triggered on events.  So when a block changes from unoccupied to occupied this can trigger a signal to change from proceed to stop which in turn can trigger a macro to run to set a relay that controls a section of line to a asymetrical signal to initiate breaking.

Development Blog


System Setup Selecting the menu option brings up the settings page.  This page is used for configuring the system. There are two system settings currently DCC System and Serial Port.   The DCC System is a drop down list of the DCC systems that are supported by this application (At time of writing this is …


System Requirements DCC Web Application will run on the following systems Windows and Linux (Will also probably run on Macs too but this has not been confirmed.) The current version requires Java 1.8 installed and the RXTX (Currently tested with 2.2pre2 version) libraries. For the latest version of java from Java.com Installing RXTX using instructions from RXTX …